may events

May 2-5th the Royal Institute of Architecture ‘Conference on Architecture’ returns to Calgary.

d.talks has partnered with the RAIC and several others to bring you an action packed week of satellite events you will not want to miss!

May 1sT, Opening Reception Instagram LIVE!

  • We are incredibly excited to announce the installation of Allora & Calzadilla's Electromagnetic Field at the Central Library.

  • Click below to view our conversation with Arkive co-founder Tom McLeod and d.talks co-founder and managing director Shannon Lanigan moderated by our Artist Leader Jared Tailfeathers.

  • The exhibit will be displayed at the Central Library from May 1-August 30.

Electromagnetic Field

credit: Arkive


MAY 3rd 4:30pm UNTOLD CITY:

RAIC STUDIO CRAWL Special edition

Join us LIVE on our Instagram. Our Mx Committee will be doing a behind the scenes tour of 6 Calgary belt line architecture firms in the city.


May 4th, 7pm Calgary Central Library

“There is something poetic about electromagnetic energy, how it travels in this invisible wave through the Universe. but there is also this duality in how these invisible forces can shape concrete reality”

artists Allora + Calzadilla

On May 4th, d.talks returns to the public stage. We invite you to our upcoming event titled:

Let’s Talk About..The Grid.

What we do